Da Bomb
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Heads UP!!! Incoming!! Take cover!! While all the count down (for the past weeks), some might have wondered what is happening. Now the cat is out of the bag, I can say, "I quit". I dropped the bomb called, "The White Envelope".
Some people are surprised, some aren't. Well, nothing matters. I'm totally touched or moved when HR Daph said that I helped her a lot in her work. She's quite sad that I'm leaving soon. Appreciative souls out there certainly make my life brighter and more meaningful. Nevermind if people take kindness for granted. But, I believe as long as I play my part, give all that I can, a word of sincere "thanks" is more than a thousand sentences said. Many nice people I've known and seriously find it hard to part. Something I've learned from previous job. Everyone can make an effort to keep in contact, if only you want to. Sure. Everyone has their own lives to lead, mouths to feed. But, a quick lunch or coffee, even SMS, will be good enough. I'm glad that I've made some pretty good friends in this short period of time. Total strangers to good friends. How wonderful....
Was in town, just hours ago, in an Arena swim wear shop. I spotted a pair of tights lookalike swimwear. Interesting .. ..
Conan The Warrior
Uncle Uncle ... *tsk tsk tsk* I thought you are the Barbabian. I thought you are the conqueror. Conan is name to cover your delicate innards, eh? Instead of emerging as the victor, nausea conquered you. For the work of vomitus over the jogging tracks, we (I pity the cleaners) thank you, NOT. Bah! (Now that sounds like someone or something, which is such a dead giveaway) Conan still has the cheek to claim his porridge and "you-tiao" booty after the run. Eat, puke, eat, puke. Looks like a bulimic Conan to me. So many years ..... still puke over runs. You still burn real rubber tires and fuel (petrol) than your own body's rubber tire (gummy bear tummy) and fuel. You better watch your consumption. High blood is no joke.
Okay. You're coming with me. Now, put on that jogging shoe. Don't worry, Uncle, I'm not laughing at you. I just want you to run, for fitness sake.
ickleOriental Link Button
Monday, May 30, 2005
How fun is that? Extremely!!! Since I'm a fan of ickleOriental's livejournal (haha .. just a regularly checking for updates), I thought ... Mmm .. it'll be a wonderful idea to make a button. Sort of personalise those buttons for blogs that I read. She always has a bubbly character and the thought of using an anime girl came to my mind. Anime cuties always have a sweet smile. (*^_^*)
ickleOriental owns a Mac (ApplePower that is, probably she does), does tri, mountain bikes, reads and many more. Isn't that cool??!!
By the way, I tried to do an animated wink or giggles action on the anime girl. But, its a little tricky. Wasn't exactly successful. I'll try again. Not sure if I'll be successful eventually. Temporary, this will be ickleOriental's button for now.
Okay, after resting so long, my first ride (since then) will happen tonight tomorrow night. I forgot about the frontal assault that is happening tomorrow. Or else .. .. Anyway, got to see how's that wrist of mine taking it. Will be going slow on the ride. Covering the route would be the main objective. Ride will commence once bus drivers sleep.
Back from my run. Oh no... got to go bathe and sleep. But first, ... some SkiD'lite yogurt ... (O_o)P
Mmm ... I'm wondering if my buddy, myFTOgpx, is having fun with his love in U.S. now. I hope these guys are enjoying themselves.
MSN ChitChat, Charity Race
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Last Late for some updates, I mean.
Yesterday, Karloong was online. We chatted via MSN for a while regarding the HK trip. Not too such if she's able to be back in time to join us. But, I'll proceed to check with tour agencies about the bookings first. I went to Temple of Geeks to meet up with HWM. It's been some time back since I've seen him. So, its coffee talk time. Too bad, Mr. BlurKing couldn't join us. I thought my SecSch gang would gather for a coffee talk time too. But, it was no-show. Coulieo, PimpDaddy and Commando's plan did not happen too .... well, main problem is because I try to avoid cold drinks due to my wrist. What's the point of going to clubbing places when I can even take cold drinks ... say cold Coca-Cola? No, Flaming Lamborghini does not count. Oh .... talking about the clubbing-pubbing thingie.. .. it has been donkey years since I stepped into one. *eyes roll* So, later in the night, I thought of going for a ride ... . too bad, it was pouring. I marched to bed then ...
This morning was rather early for me. Went over to WCP to take a look at the Charity Ride event. Riders are suppose to do some distance, climb some hills and make it back. 45km, 22km and 7km for your selection. Nope, I did not register for this (as much as I would like to). Thus, giving my wrist more rest. Of course, like my right knee.. .. full recover would take months .... Now, its a lot better. Just to be on the safe side
Template Changes, Meeting Shite
Friday, May 27, 2005
I hope this is easier on the eyes for everyone. I changed the text entry font colours and the colours for links too. It has a better contrast than the previous. Lambie highlights that she prefers the former template, "The Sky is the Limit". It has a brighter layout, a lot more cheerful than this. Not to worry. I change the template to a new design in a few months time. More designs/layouts. A different range of colours too.
Meet Conan later, dinner, I suppose. This uncle is sharpening this Parang .... since he knows that I've gotten my bonus, I don't think he's going to spare me. Kaoz ... Maybe I can call him SpongeV SquarePants.
This morning, dialogues heard during an overseas call conference .....
"We have to take note of . ...... "Yeah .... . no wonder meetings are so full of shittey business.
"Yes, that is definitely .... "
"Look at this portion where it states .... "
"Just remember to check the ..... "
"Okay. A re-crap on what we've mentioned so far."
New Template
Thursday, May 26, 2005
So far so good..... everything seems fine. I created the banner using GIMP and I like the masking tape portion the best. I don't have any new pics of me in a race. Okay, probably a new one will come in July. So ... for now, this will be it. I changed the colours of the headers a little. I hope its not too difficult to read since the background is dark in colour. The white words, "Limping Marathon Runner", isn't white in the first place. I wanted a yellow based colour and thought of doing a shadow back drop. But, my background is black ... so.. . no point doing the shadow thingie .... I'll save that idea for the next template. I went through approximately 100 over fonts, I guess. Finally, I narrowed down to 3 specific fonts. Eventually, I picked this. Something not too serious or loud. I wanted something fun and non uniform.
Was online MSN IM with Beng now because he is currently in Boston. This joker misses Wonton Mee . ... can't believe it. Anyway, its not too bad. His flight is tomorrow night ....
Look at Kisetsu and EndlessTrail blog!! Documenting on their rides! Looking at Kenny's "Sipping Ice Milo" shot, on Kisetsu's blog, makes me laugh over again and over again and over again and ..... okay, you get the idea.
Okay ... have to jog later ... . so much rainfall for the past few nights.
Tom Clancy: Splinter Cell
Mission 10: Reconnaissance
Target: Founder of Peeling Foot Skin Club.
Objective: Infiltrate enemy hideout. ID target visually and capture image of target's activities.
Mission Briefing: Expect light to medium patrol (Members of the Peeling Foot Skin Club) frequencies. Remain under cover. Do not get contacted.

Mission Accomplished - Last night, Agent KK who volunteered for this mission has performed well. Excellent!
New Layout Soon
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
*snigger* I working on a new layout for this site. Modifying the template, actually. Almost finishing off my picture when 2K hanged on me. All my work gone. But, its okay. I know how it should look like. *evil grin* I'm 100%, positively sure that Conan will complain again.... "Huh, change layout again?"
*Ring ring* Hello?
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
SMS-ed AGB to find out about her day. Hah!! Libra's telepathic skill rulez ~ !! She was surprised that I knew something was bothering her. *Hiak hiak hiak* A clouded mind can't see what's beyond the hills.
Walking, on my way back from the train station, a gust of wind blew towards me and onto my face. Ooooo ... "This is not good", I thought to myself. Smells fishy. Mr. Cumulus Nimbus is up to something again.... I better be quick, get changed and go for a run. Once I reached my void deck, I exclaimed as I open my letterbox, "Alamak!". White envelopes with 3 big words "OGS" and that oh-so-familiar ink of a rubber stamp. More no-goods. I need to make plenty of phone calls. My backup seems to be lost, clueless of what is happening. I told him, I'll call instead. Not too bad. Just a couple misses. Mobile phone.. . some invention..... Okay, my stomach is growling. Got to have some food before I jog later. Couldn't jog early in the morning today. ZZzz monster did a triple combo hit on Muggs ... Muggs was seeing stars. Stars cleared only around 7am. What a fight!
Latest news ... Karloong might be coming back early than expected. Hooray!! I'm sure she misses home badly. But, everything is not finalised yet. We'll probably know by June.
A Lazy Monday
Monday, May 23, 2005
Nothing much in a day for me. But definitely a really busy and happy day for Papa RL. His newborn baby boy arrived this morning around 3+ am. More sleepless nights for months for RL. Received his MMS camera shot of his newborn. Congrats, man.
Alright. Time for me to fix my yoghurt craving by grabbing a few from the convenience store before they close. No run tonight. Rest while run continues tomorrow morning.
The other day while I had my dinner at a restaurant with friends, I ordered some noodles with some side dishes. The restaurant was packed with diners and the service staff was really busy serving everyone. Probably it was really driving this cute waitress crazy. When she serve our side dish, Crispy Fried Chicken, she said, "Crispy Fried Cheekean". Noticing the error herself, she was laughing uncontrollably. On the other hand, I tried to contain my laughter to just a wide smile. My friends were dumbfolded. I like cute waitresses who often mispronounce names of dishes. \(^-^)/ Cute!
An idea on ickleOriental's button came to my mind this afternoon. Now, I just need to put it into pixel form, 80 x 30. I thought of re-doing my button too. Still looking around for a good font .....
What Tokking You?
Sunday, May 22, 2005
These few nights were kind of wet. Rain, that is. What is on your mind, you sickos? I jog at night. I weren't able to actually run for consecutive 2 days now. But, I can't really do anything about it. Thinking about doing a run this morning. But, I have to work today (a holiday). So, not exactly a good idea to drain myself out. I reach the hawker around my office area for a quick bite (breakfast) before starting my office job. Being a dim sum person, I wanted a lotus paste bun.
Muggs: "Uncle, can I have one lian2 rong2 bao1."
HawkerUncle: "Huh?"
Muggs: "One ...... lian2 rong2 bao1."
HawkerUncle: "Huh? What's that?"
Muggs: Pointing to the menu in chinese characters, "Lian2 rong2 bao1?"
HawkerUncle: "Ohh ..... yan2 yong2 .... say properly lah."
Muggs: "........" ('_';)
I'll give my left wrist one more week of rest before I try out on the bike. I've been giving my bike a good rest time for approximately a month now. Mm.. . as for swims .. I'll monitor for the time being. But, I did come across a nice looking swimming trunk from Arena. But, it doesn't have even a single layer of padding. My butt will be sore after riding for 40km.. where I'll have to ask my butt, "Hello, hello. Are you okay?", then the PERRL check. Buns of steel or rock hard buns ... .take your pick.
Oh yeah.. .. I almost forgot I picked up a new toy up today. A re-contract since my 2years is already up. She's charging up now. I'll wake her up before midnight, tonight.
A Great Day
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Overall, it has been a great day for me. During lunch time, I went for more torture chambers treatment. Nah... it was a trip to the Chinese physician. To be exact, my fourth visit now. Yep. Got my arms tugged at again. Not painful at all. He applied the usual brown paste which smells like really bad cheese. Oh well... . lunch time was running short. I had to pack food back to my office for my lunch.
Right after work, I met up with ZhuiTeLun and JapBoy. Just a small gathering. Dinner and catching up chit chat. While walking around the shopping mall area. I bumped into my cousin and his wife. Such coincidence. He was actually going to meet up with his brother and his wife-to-be. We all decided to meet up and head for a drink, changing several locations before settling down in TCC. Guys being guys ... we chatted about the "Men in Green" stories and encounters in those-were-the-days. Haha .. . totally driving those 2 ladies to eternal boredom. It was around 15mins to 12midnight that we actually thought of heading back home. What a night!
Now that I'm home, I took off my bandaged hand since I have been keeping it wrapped up like an Egyptian mummy. Strange... . it did feel better now. Pain or discomfort of any sort seems to be gone, even when I rotate my wrist. A good sign. I think I'm going to sleep well tonight.
Endlesstrail and Kisetsu are heading off for a cross-country ride. Crossing into another country's border is another form of "cross-country ride" ride, isn't it? ;p Enjoy guys!! Just remember your roles ...... Full-time Posers!!! Haaha.
Coulieo, Conan Button
Friday, May 20, 2005
*5days left. God of Gamblers can count the number of days left with just a only his right hand. Left hand is out for now*
Hiak hiak hiak ... Now comes Coulieo's very own linky buttons. Fresh from Gimp. Next, in my queue list, ickleOriental. or
It was tough creating these 2 buttons and looking for good cursive fonts was no easy task. Injecting a little "Austin Powers" touch here. Schwingging 60s, baby. I tried the Husky and Stash font. It wasn't too bad. But, at that resolution, the letter "a" looks like "o". So ... I switched fonts.
Muggs prefers the first, where Coulieo chooses the second. Well... the second button is not too bad either. Ok. Now, its people's choice... you can select if you want your buttons 80 x 15 or 80 x 30 format. Groovy. "Oh, behave.."
Uncle (Conan) is really a problem child. Wire tap from our MSN messenger conversation .. ..
Muggs: "What design do you want for your button?"
Conan: "Muz be solid solid, one."
Muggs: "Mm-kay"
Conan: "Muz be striking. People see already will have strong impression."
Muggs: "Alright .... " *Scribbles, scribbles ... Muggs taking notes*
Conan: "Muz be steady poon pee pee."
Conan: "Muz be like Xiaxue's button .. ... look like this"
Muggs: "How about I draw you a pink amazon sword with a shield that says, 'Babe Blog' "*Muggs shaking his head away*
Conan: "knn, I give you one solid solid punch."
Muggs: "Give it to me, lassie"
His request for a button is really... something. Since its your birthday yesterday, okay .. I'll give this to you. Quit whining. Conan happens to be Muggs's Man-In-Green friend. He isn't exactly your fittest trooper around. But, hey, since you're the "Nokia" man, I salute you. My saluation to this uncle. Ya... . Mugen.. ... my foot. You can kiss your car decal goodbye till my wrist is okay. Fat wrists don't produce good decals.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
I think I can call this narrowband. Ping response of 900 over msec, at home. (T_T)
Shitty response... I did a little surfing and called it a day. I thought I could look for some inspiration on designing more buttons... but, I gave up... Haha.. . craving for faster access.. I guess most people already cannot live with the 56k USR modems these days. At least I am one.Arrggg... how to update ...
I tried to design Coulieo's button using a MudFlap girl design. *Sniff* Squeezing the design into a 80 x 15 button is no joke. In that small box, the MudFlap girl looks like a Chimera more than anything else. Guess I'll have to increase the button size because the MudFlap girl design is too cool to let go. Go, Gurl Power!
Brown Town, Fare Hike
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
You work, I work. You sleep, I work.
You eat, I starve. You burp, I eat.
You curse, I fly .... no need to eat, sleep or burp.
I'll only work.
What am I?
With the news of the recent fare hike discussion, I think its time to do something ..... Muggs came up with a little slogan and button.
Fare hike? Take your bike!
A little button for Mr. Brown. Who doesn't read his Brown Town?
Answer to riddle:
Network Engineer.
TMD, so hungry I can eat a cow.
Hang on, Coulieo. Its difficult to make a cool looking fox/wolf design for your button. But, I'll try. Uncle Conan's button got to have a Barbarian sword too.
I read a lot of ickleOriental's LJ. But, awwww.. .. . I'm about to make a linky button for her site too. But, it seems like she's going away. Someone with such bubbly character, looking at life on the bright side, blogging it out .... Now, this is hard to find. Such a waste. Well, I do hope she continues to write.
My buddy, myFTOgpx is such a joker (he always is, in his own ways). Tomorrow, he's flying off to the States with his darling and he's still figuring out how to use the digital camera (belonging to a friend). Trying out his luck at the RTFM method (apparently it failed), he called me for some quick-tell-me-everything-you-know tips. I had to go through with him the basics of photography. Okay. .... he's a rather fast learner.
Progress Report: My left wrist is getting better. *smiles* Now, when I rotate my wrist to do a "palm up" action, there is just slight discomfort (feels like muscle fatigue). Wow. Compare this to 3 weeks back when my palm can only face forward .. .. then pain follows. Now ... this is crazy.... as advised by the Chinese physician, for 3 weeks, I have avoided these food.... *sigh* I'm starting to hallucinate ... I need sinful food. But, its really heart warming to hear vendors asking about my wrist, showing their concern. Some even forbid me to carry equipment for them. ;)
Chocolate PowerGel Review
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Ta-da!!! My very own review on Chocolate PowerGel from PowerBar.
Looks - Upon tearing open the top portion of the Gel pack, I squeezed a little of its chocolate contents out. Some brownish gooey looking stuff (alright, its not that horrifying) oozed out of its small opening (great for handling, especially you wouldn't want to spill its contents while you're running).
Taste - Chocolate!! Of course without a doubt. Try melting a morsel from a chocolate bar. Lick it. You'll get the idea. This chocolate flavored Gel is not too sweet. Quite okay to my taste buds.
Boo-boos - Perhaps I have a delicate tongue. My tongue feels like I've suffered a plastic paper cut from the torn off portion of the pack.
Reminder - Instruction says that you should still consume water together with PowerGel.
My personal view - Thumbs up on taste and almost any other thing.... "Ecsac my tarng feels farnny nowth. Sheeth!! Paper Curth!!"
Monday, May 16, 2005
Now, this is my first Tri race. Surprising to find a "hello" mail in my inbox from a fellow first-timer Tri racer this morning. Since my race is in July, I gave a thought about trying out the "PowerBar" gel now before I use it on my actual Tri race. Just in case my stomach cannot handle this kind of food source, I rather find out now, than during the race. Of course, energy in a small package doesn't come cheap. Suddenly, I feel like an astronaut, taking liquid-gel-like food. I chose chocolate flavor. Others like Green Apple, Lemon Lime, Raspberry Cream, Strawberry Banana, Tangerine, Tropical Fruit and Vanilla.
Eat this!!
Stuff at work, a little rough now. More to come. Hah...
Conan wants to "blackmail" me today. Asking for treats. Chey! The only treat I'll give, is treat-ment to my left wrist. Dream on ... friend.
With my buddy, myFTOgpx and his darling out to U.S. for a holiday soon. PS2 ass kicking sessions will be put on hold. You have fun, my friend. Take a walk... stop being a couch potato.
Just back from a short slow run on 5km. Zone3 .. . 25mins. Arrrgg.. .. remembered those crazy days when 5km was just below 20mins. Looking at my Nike AirMax ... I think it has taken quite a bit of pounding over these 2 years. Ooops.. . spotted some peeling ... . wonder how long it can hold. Think I'll have to track my mileage when I get a new pair of jogging shoes. I've converted most of my worn out jogging shoes to weekend shoes.
Buttons Update
Buttons that I have created so far -
17th May 2005:
16th May 2005:
12th May 2005:
11th May 2005:
10th May 2005:
9th May 2005:
Akan-Datang: -
Mr. Brown
Mouse and MTB
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Oooo.. . .its surprising to find that the PhilipStark mouse that I wanted to get (sometime back) is now at $19.90. *Hiak hiak hiak* I think it used to cost $49.90 when it was first launched. Or was it $59.90? Nevermind that. Mm.... $19.90 seems like a good catch.
MountainBike.... something that I have put on hold for quite a while. Well, mainly because Commando is serving his reservist duty. This coming week, he'll be back. Hence, we can take a look again. In fact, it is time to make our purchase. Yikes.. . . some many Ds. Decision, dilemma, damage (to my pockets ... ha). Just 3, not too many. But, enough already. Anyway, my cousin, KK, wants to learn to ride a bike. I can't possibly use my racer..... So, a sturdy mountain bike should be able to withstand some falls.
DynastyWarriors (PS2) ass kicking session tomorrow. Musou time!!
How to Order Your Drinks Correctly
Friday, May 13, 2005
While waiting for my dive buddy (cum friend cum insurance agent) for some matters, I received a SMS from 54Brownie asking if I want to have dinner with them (Chini and 54Brownie). Fortunately, things ended right on the dot and I joined them for dinner. We had our prata dinner near our estate. To my surprise, I always thought that they only served Nasi Lemak. Now, I have an alternative place for my late night cycling supper. I ordered one plain and one cheese prata. Yummy. I spotted the drink that I would like to have. Milo Monster Dinosaur. I order my drink carefully, avoiding the word Monster, as it keeps on calling out to me in my head. "Milo .... Dinosaur", I said slowly but confidently.
Now.. ... the Milo Monster story .. . and how it came about. Credits to Lambie.
Lambie's colleague, D, had heard and tried this drink (Milo Dinosaur) before. So, one day while serving reservist, he was out with his mate at a mama store coffeeshop. When the waiter is here to take the order for drinks, his mates asked D what he would like to have. Now, being the eldest (the rest of his mate were way younger than D), not necessary the wisest, D wants to be the last to order his drink. When everyone was done and it was D's turn. He said, "I want Milo Monster! You have Milo Monster?". It was just this close that his mates all die laughing. As the Hokkien dialect saying always emphasizes, "It enough to be smart. Don't act smart". Needless to say, he failed to impress his younger mates for brain storming a new name for this beverage. Milo Monster Dinosaur ..... kns
Okay, I'll let my plain and cheese prata digest now before I burn them off in my 5km run later. *Burp*
BB Dinner, Techie Stuff
Last night, I had dinner with Kitty, KittyTrainer, Beng and Lambie. Nevermind the fact that Lambie looking really casual like its her last day at the office. Nevermind the fact that Kitty and KittyTrainer were standing around the StarBucks area and its took 5mins to finally find us.
Kitty: "We were here all the while. Where were you guys?"
Muggs: "Right here at StarBucks."
Kitty: "I thought you guys were at MacDonalds?"
Muggs: "No, I said we can meet at MacDonalds. But, you said to meet at StarBucks."
Kitty: "No. You said StarBucks. "
Muggs: "No, I said MacDonalds."
Anyway, we already met. What the heck, StarBucks and MacDonalds are just side by side. Muggs and the group - already hungry. We settled for Billy Bombers. Getting into the restaurant is already a problem. Its difficult to get them to sit down. Kitty and her Trainer were wrestling like kids. What a loving couple.... "Kids, you can stop now", Muggs yelled. They were still taking turns doing the headlock thingie, with their arms. Kids.... these days... Sorry, no state-of-the-art camera phone. Otherwise the picture would look hilarious.
Great company, we chatted, laughed and at one particular point, we thought that the strangest thing that can actually happen in a restaurant. Sound of a crow. What makes matter worse? Lambie was telling a really lame joke or comment and then came the crow cry. Only Kitty, Beng and myself heard the sound and we froze. We thought that it was really funny. But, it could have been someone at the next few tables who made the sound. Or.. . . they could be agreeing that Lambie was telling a lame joke. Glad to know that soon it'll be wedding bells ringing for Kitty and her Trainer. Beng's wedding is coming up too. Lambie's Sawadikap good good time is in the making too. Planning stage. Since KittyTrainer needs to start work early today, we called it a night.
I tried to burn off my Surf and Turf meal that I had at BillyBombers once I reached home. It was still okay. I managed a 5km Zone3 jog without much hiccup.
Moving on to some TechStuff. We, humans, living in this IT world where everything works in terms of IP. IP = Internet Protocol. Numbers happening in forms of 32-bit bin or a number of 255 highest for each of the 4 octet. Ok, I'm losing some of you guys now. Simple terms - Ever wondered where this person might be, behind a particular IP address (a unique way to identify an entity or a group of entities on the Internet or public network)? Fret no more.
Using the IPLocator, you can even get to see the country he is from. Just key in the IP address in the field and do a search. I've included the site in my sidebar links too.
Muggs, NewJourney Button
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Just created another Linky button for myself. I'm an arcade fan. Hence, the Pac-Man idea struck me last night. Thus, this button is born.
Something for NewJourney owner. I have permission to link, so here it is, The New Journey. or
Gosh.... I can't decide which to use.
Muggs.. . a slacker last night. Didn't go for my jog. Guess I'll have to re-schedule my runs. Around early this morning, there was a heavy downpour. It was quite a good sleep. So good till I could rot in my bed. I did set my alarm to trigger off at 6am. But, it was still drizzling.... I can't jog then. I shall be jogging tonight. Well, after my dinner appointment with Lambie, Kitty (probably with KittyTrainer) and Beng.
My left wrist is still recovering slowly. Imagine this. My left wrist was so bad that last week, I weren't able to floss my teeth. Still I tried. Last night, finally, flossing away.... I discovered that my left wrist did not hurt. *Happy* Slow but steady recovery.
Grinnis Linkz Button Part2
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Here is the moody version to match her blog's theme. Cloudy Day.
With the tiny little sun in the back ground, the cloud looks like a piece of cotton. ;P
Plusss........ my very own Muggs linky button
Its a root beer mug. Tried to do a froth thingie on top of the root beer mug... but it wasn't convincing enough. Looked rather weird. So, .. just a plain old root beer mug.
I read a little of LMD's blog too.
Ta-daaaa!!! No, she did not request for one..... I made this for fun of it.
Sudden Uncontrollable Urge
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
I went home, on the dot from work today. Couldn't do much about the existing problem. Muggs was travelling back home by train, as usual. As always, Muggs would step out and aside in a crowded train to allow people to alight and board. However, 2 stops away from my home, Muggs was ousted. Once I stepped out of the train, it was too packed. I had to wait for the next one. I got several odd or weird looking stares as though I am an alien from Mars and / or I am an alien who loves to perform a**l probe administration on humans. Well .. .... I wasn't in a rush to get back home anyway.
While walking back home from the station, I had this uncontrollable desire to mount on my bike and go for a ride. I know I should not. But, I can't help thinking about it. I just have to fight the urge. Although I feel much better already, I need to rest my left wrist for now and prepare it for a bigger event.
Aww ... . I received news from my office that I would need to work on this coming holiday weekend. 2days in a row. Life of an I.T. engineer. Grrrr... ..
Just finished a run of 4.8km. I saw a racer and a mountain bike on the road while I was jogging ...... I felt the urge to ride again... Arrg ... . Really hungry now. Need some food. Can't think straight. If no one else is requesting for linkz buttons, I'll make mine tomorrow. Hee hee... have a slight concept of what I want. Stay tuned.
Grinnis Linkz Button
Hee hee ..... Grinnis Linkz button is born. Animated for the second button. Amazing.
This happy linkz button is for Ginnis. Ha.... silly me... sorry, typo error... Its Grinnis. Having too much fun creating all these buttons. Hee hee. or
Strange enough,. . .. a person recovers faster when he's feeling happy. This morning, Muggs' left wrist is feeling better. To play safe, I'm still wrapping it up to limit its movement.
I hope Muggs has lived up to the expectation of you guys, with regards to the button making.... :)
Free to express any opinions. Or perhaps some changes you would like to add? Buttons? Anymore requests? Its open to anyone, anytime. Cheers.
Restart Run Clock
Just managed to "squeeze" this entry in... .. . couldn't start a new entry just half an hour ago.
Started and stopped my run twice just now, was interrupted by phone calls. Finally, I completed my 4km run, each time I had to restart my timing. *faint*
Now... .. linkz button for Grinnis. Looking for some ideas... *spark*
EndlessTrail, Kisetsu Logo
Monday, May 09, 2005
Since I read EndlessTrail's blog almost daily, I thought it would be a great idea to make a Logo and free for anyone who wants to link him. Do not link the buttons. You can just save the GIF and upload to your server. I'm using photobucket for buttons now (GIF). I read quite a number of other blogs too. Trying to make some more for other guys.
My first sucky attempt .......
For EndlessTrail, you can vote either this or
For Kisetsu, fresh from the oven.... just completed or
Logos, anyone? Buzz me or mail me. I'll see what I can do. No worries, no charges involved. I'll probably only charge one person if he asks for a logo. Conan.
Happy Mothers' Day
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Happy Mothers' Day to mothers out there. To my mum too. I'm sure Karlooong would have said the same thing too. Guys being boyz not too good in expressing their love for their mothers. But, I never fail to remember my younger days when Muggs was a kid, my mum bought me a MacDonalds Fillet-O-Fish. I remembered that always makes pirated version of "KFC" (her own branding). I remembered that she had injured her finger during work, while worrying for Muggs and Karlooong. I will always remember that. A Mother's love. Nothing on earth could beat that.
These days, due to my wrist injury (since Monday this week), I have abstained from taking the following:
1) Chicken/Duck meat
2) Any cold (desserts, drinks, etc)
3) Anything spicy
4) Anything sour
5) Prawns/Crabs/Squids/Cuttlefishes - anything along this line
As instructed by my Chinese Physician. With this list, it is bad enough.
I paused on a few occasions in front of a food store, before walking away. In no particular order:
1) Prata store (No, ladies not Prada. Keep your focus). Imagine roti prata without curry. Kill me.
2) Chicken rice store. Rice without chicken and chilli dip. Writhe me, right at my neck.
3) Prawn noodle store. Plain noodles taste like NOTHING. What's the diff from eating plain flour? Shoot me in the head instead.
4) Cool/Cold Drinks store or Ice cold desserts. Hot drinks even while I'm perspiring? You must be kidding.
5) Convenience store. Can't eat Sour Cream Pringles. Just 1 .... puurleeease?
6) The list goes on ... ... .
I need my life back. More importantly, my sinful diet back. I'm light enough. Anymore diet of this sort, I'll be blown away with just a gust of wind. I'm not residing in Norway. If I am, fine, I'll have Salmon everyday.
Just back from myftogpx's place for an ass kicking PS2 session. We had pizza, seafood and super hawaiian. No points for correct guesses. You're right. I removed the prawns and squids on the seafood pizza for my share.
Forgetfulness, a Plus Point?
Saturday, May 07, 2005
It has been a while. Muggs isn't like that in the past. Muggs always remember stuff. As much as I want to forget them, its like bad dreams, just come back haunting me time after time. Usually around this time of the year, Muggs would think about the past. Not anymore. Muggs discovered, since last year, he has started to forget those stuff.
Its has been 6 years since singlehood. The first 2 and half years busy on my uni studies. Next 2 and a half year working my butt of for my ex-company, which was totally crazy. Last year, busy in new work place, adapting. Overall, it has been a really busy period for Muggs. Some say busy is good. Kitty says not remember the past, is a good start. I agree.
Life is like a race. If you've blown a tyre and you just sit there, none other racers have time to help you. Unless you pick yourself up to change the tyre, others will zoom by you. You compete against others and race against yourself as well.
Sometimes, have an excellent memory isn't necessary a good thing. Feeling nostalgic...?
On a different note altogether, I went to get my wrist fixed today. Seems to be getting better. But, still needs to be careful. That's why I aborted the run just half and hour ago. It was drizzling. Wet floor, old shoes.... bad combination. I don't want to slip, fall and break something else. Ok... more ass kicking tomorrow with myftogpx.
Silly ISP
Friday, May 06, 2005
This morning, at around 2am (I think), Karlooong called home. We did some chit chat on latest news and gossip, expressing our individual views over most issues happening around us. All the time while we're talking, Bala was actually doing his "Body Maintenance" (a.k.a. Sleep) on the sofa. After our chat is over, I passed the phone over to Bala (of course after waking him up). I should have taken a pic of him. Karlooong will laugh till she starts to tear.
Just back from dinner with Beng, Gang4 and FakeSammiCheng. Mini-gathering. Celebrating a belated birthday for Gang4. Before they arrive, I walked around to shop for a wrist wrap, just in case I might need it during my Tri event. Looking around for a spare tights. Didn't find anything interesting. On the other HAND, everyone is laughing at Muggs left wrist. Like Beng claims, we're getting old. Ha. Its great to do a mini-gathering once in a while, to catch up. Seems like everyone is doing well, everyone is flying regional.
Much said about my broadband modem problem. Just as I have suspected. ISP changed something. Using my usual settings, I could not maintain my connection for more than 1min. I did a few changes. Now, its work perfectly..... Silly ISP. Grrrr... . Ok, one problem down. Now, main problem is my left wrist. I wonder how am I going to do push-ups and chin-ups then next time. Geee.... Guess will have to strengthen my wrist to aid recovery. But, tomorrow morning's first stop, Chinese physician shop. Is this the so-called "No Pain No Gain"? More ouch-es to come.
MMmmmm .. wrist feels better. But, with slight discomfort or pain while rotating my palm (to do palm face upwards). Nevertheless, there has been improvement since the last 5days. Yikes .. time for my 4km run. Later
Was in a Zone3 for my 4km run. Ok. Happy is the word.
Can't Sit Down
Thursday, May 05, 2005
I can't use my left hand. Hence, both swimming and biking are not options for me. I am left with running now. I ran last night, at a rather slow pace, minimizing my arm and wrist movement. But, I still managed to maintain a Zone3 workout lasting for 4km. Muggs is happy.
Lately, I have been going through tons and tons of GIMP sites. Pretty neat stuff. I'll probably create a few pics...... Love artwork.
Chalets n BBQ
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Since the triathlon is in July, I thought it would be a great idea to book a chalet near the race site. Without a car, it would be a great idea that I can cycle there in advance. Stay a day or two. We could even have a BBQ. Of course, I would avoid most BBQ food. Heck.. .. I'll let people have all the fun at the BBQ and I shall have mine on the triathlon race day. Hence, I booked a 2 nights stay for the chalet. I hope I can recover in time for the event. Or else, I can only cheer for people who are racing. *sniff* For now, I will just have to train on my running. *Eyes roll* Its the other 2 sports of the race that I think I need more training on. Yeah, I can swim well. But, I could use more training. Same goes for cycling. At the current rate my wrist is healing, it's still too early to tell. But, it looks promising. Anyway, I went for a second round of "pain therapy". Nah... its not that bad. Physician was working on my hand and arm again. More popping sounds. Mmm.. . now I could rotate my wrist from palm down to palm up position (with slight discomfort), which I was not able to do before. So far so good.
So, BBQ it is, on 2nd July night. Open invitation. Anyone? Bring your own booze though... b'cos Muggs is not a booze person. Retired from the Merlion scene a long time ago.
Kisetsu has added me in her Internet A-Z list. Haha.... shweeeet. M for Muggs.
What's Wrong?
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Oh dear.... First, its SMS disturbances. Then, I fell while skating. Now, my broadband modem gives problem (got to settle this later, that's why... slow in updates). What's next? Bring it on baby.... c'mon .... bring it on.
As of now, Muggs is blogging with one hand typing like a typewriter, a letter at a time. This is crazy. I went to a chinese physician on Sunday, to my knowledge, they are opened everyday (except for CNY). Not the grand-master, but the son, who actually looked into my problem. He told me that its some slight dislocation of bone positioning. 5 short steps that sent me, seeing stars ........ literally.
1) Rubbing forcefully on my hand, where the bone has shifted. He had to "move" the bone back.
2) His left foot wedged into my left arm-pit. At one swift motion, he pulled my arm, holding on to my left hand. Next, he jerked my 5 fingers one at a time. At this point, Muggs began to hallucinate due to hyperventilation. Fighting against the pain. Couldn't draw this on a gif... take too long to draw.
3) Rub bone again.
4) Jerk arm overhead, towards the back.
5) Jerk arm behind back, upwards.
Oh boy.... alert.... feeling weak. Muggs actually had to rest for a while after seeing doc before heading elsewhere.
Muggs looks like a kickboxer. But, only lookalike portion is this bandaged up left wrist. This is as close as Muggs could get, looking like a kickboxer. Muay-Thai..... hai-yeeeeeeee-yak!!! *Ouch*
Beezy Dayz
Sunday, May 01, 2005
I consider myself as rather filial person, seldom missing any gatherings of relatives. Grandparents death anniversaries, etc. Instead of sneaking away, hoping not to see my ExtremeCharacter relative, I took a bet. Fortunate thing, she already left for the day. While I just got off work, I headed straight to my aunt's place (usual gathering location, for my grandparents death anniversaries) for dinner. Most people were already there and had their dinner. A group of 4 already at a majong game. Bala was one of the "kar". Strange but true, YMother didn't make any noise. Yep, its been a real long time since I met up with my uncles, aunts and cousins. I watched telly, waiting for Bala to finish this game of majong. We took a bus home and we reached around 12.15am. Did a little surfing online, before heading out for my ride.
So much things to see.... This time.... in running order
1) Metal strip
2) Hardard Signal Cone broken into pieces (probably by a Daytona driver)
3) Wooden plank
4) TP Road block (interesting.. . several guys were by the side of the road, a car has been ordered to stop, cease engine)
5) 3 Mountain bikers riding on pavement. No idea they were jeering or cheering me. Ha, I was on the road, zooming pass.
6) Pong-pong fruit
7) Road kill, with innards all spilled out (no idea if its a pigeon or rodent, I was traveling at 28km/h, too fast to take a second look)
8) Last, not the least and this I cannot "siam". I had to go over a stream of dumpster truck that had juices flowing all over the place. Ewwww ... . I was overpowered by the stench and I tried hard not to wobble as I steer away.
Pit-stop or rather ended my training ride, heart beat at 70% (just Zone1, due to traffic stops, humps). Took a few toasts and a cup of hot tea. Rush back to bathe and wash my clothes, headed off to sleep. 2 more events today. Run and RollerBlade. Tonight, I have to attend my good friend's wedding too. Mr. BBCLow. Muggs dozed off at 4am.
Unable to wake up at 10am, I ended up waking at 12pm. Went to blade at WC after I had to report a police case about vice messages sent to my mobile. 20+ in one whole day, even at 12.45am.... these people are crazy. Police only adviced me to change a new line. Anyway, my 2 year contract is up. Time for a new line and phone. At WC, Conan was ahead of me leading me to a down slope. He negotiated the slope well due to his past roller skating experience. I failed terribly and fell on my left. Still able to skate, I thought it was ok. But when I removed my slider while taking a break, I knew something was wrong. I couldn't turn my wrist and it was painful. We ended the day since the sky is getting dark too. Lamented to Conan that 10mins skate here just to see me with injury. After drinks, we went home.
My SecSchool buddy is having his wedding tonight and I wouldn't miss it. I attended the wedding with my immobilized wrist. Fortunate thing, it was a left hand and I could still shake everyone's hand with my right. Right after dinner, I'm home now. Sleep soon, getting ready to see a doc first thing tomorrow.