Happy Mothers' Day

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mothers' Day to mothers out there. To my mum too. I'm sure Karlooong would have said the same thing too. Guys being boyz not too good in expressing their love for their mothers. But, I never fail to remember my younger days when Muggs was a kid, my mum bought me a MacDonalds Fillet-O-Fish. I remembered that always makes pirated version of "KFC" (her own branding). I remembered that she had injured her finger during work, while worrying for Muggs and Karlooong. I will always remember that. A Mother's love. Nothing on earth could beat that.

These days, due to my wrist injury (since Monday this week), I have abstained from taking the following:
1) Chicken/Duck meat
2) Any cold (desserts, drinks, etc)
3) Anything spicy
4) Anything sour
5) Prawns/Crabs/Squids/Cuttlefishes - anything along this line

As instructed by my Chinese Physician. With this list, it is bad enough.

I paused on a few occasions in front of a food store, before walking away. In no particular order:
1) Prata store (No, ladies not Prada. Keep your focus). Imagine roti prata without curry. Kill me.
2) Chicken rice store. Rice without chicken and chilli dip. Writhe me, right at my neck.
3) Prawn noodle store. Plain noodles taste like NOTHING. What's the diff from eating plain flour? Shoot me in the head instead.
4) Cool/Cold Drinks store or Ice cold desserts. Hot drinks even while I'm perspiring? You must be kidding.
5) Convenience store. Can't eat Sour Cream Pringles. Just 1 .... puurleeease?
6) The list goes on ... ... .

I need my life back. More importantly, my sinful diet back. I'm light enough. Anymore diet of this sort, I'll be blown away with just a gust of wind. I'm not residing in Norway. If I am, fine, I'll have Salmon everyday.

Just back from myftogpx's place for an ass kicking PS2 session. We had pizza, seafood and super hawaiian. No points for correct guesses. You're right. I removed the prawns and squids on the seafood pizza for my share.

Posted by Muggs at 11:38 PM  


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