Monday, May 16, 2005
Now, this is my first Tri race. Surprising to find a "hello" mail in my inbox from a fellow first-timer Tri racer this morning. Since my race is in July, I gave a thought about trying out the "PowerBar" gel now before I use it on my actual Tri race. Just in case my stomach cannot handle this kind of food source, I rather find out now, than during the race. Of course, energy in a small package doesn't come cheap. Suddenly, I feel like an astronaut, taking liquid-gel-like food. I chose chocolate flavor. Others like Green Apple, Lemon Lime, Raspberry Cream, Strawberry Banana, Tangerine, Tropical Fruit and Vanilla.
Eat this!!
Stuff at work, a little rough now. More to come. Hah...
Conan wants to "blackmail" me today. Asking for treats. Chey! The only treat I'll give, is treat-ment to my left wrist. Dream on ... friend.
With my buddy, myFTOgpx and his darling out to U.S. for a holiday soon. PS2 ass kicking sessions will be put on hold. You have fun, my friend. Take a walk... stop being a couch potato.
Just back from a short slow run on 5km. Zone3 .. . 25mins. Arrrgg.. .. remembered those crazy days when 5km was just below 20mins. Looking at my Nike AirMax ... I think it has taken quite a bit of pounding over these 2 years. Ooops.. . spotted some peeling ... . wonder how long it can hold. Think I'll have to track my mileage when I get a new pair of jogging shoes. I've converted most of my worn out jogging shoes to weekend shoes.
haha... warcraft 3? I think I've not had a decent PC for a long time. So, have not been gaming. Linux can't have too many good PC games ported over.
Powergel. Nice. Think I also need that for the Sedili trip.
I think your trip would be fun. Seen the photos that you guys took.
Relax. Warcraft 3??? ;p