WWE Jewelery Brawl Night

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

No fear, Wrestling fans!!! We have our own localized version of WWE. Who needs to watch Pay-Per-View Wrestlemania anyway? Why do you want to see men with beautifully scupltured bodies hurl abusive languages and spit on one another when we can have cheap thrills watching local aunties screaming their heads off over some pushing incidents? Ah ha...... its easy ..... throw a 75% discount over some jewelery sale and you'll see aunties pushing each others into corners before they do war cries. I think the only thing left that they did not do was to call for backups (requesting allies onsite - commonly known as "diao jwee" to our locals, starting a Royal Rumble). It was captured on the national news.

If you do not have the slightest clue about what I am talking about.... Worry not, Wrestlemania fans.... I shall fill you in with the details. One of our oldest jewelery shop around has announced that they owe millions of dollars to banks and suppliers. Hence, they are having clearance sale. However, there was a pushing incident of some sort. There we have it..... a quarrel followed.... Next minute, a news team which happen to be covering the news of the sale in the shop, captured the commotion taking place outside the shop too. Well....these plain brainless disputes are totally unnecessary. However, some of our locals seem to enjoy these encounters. Who knows...probably items that are obtained via squabble are conquest treasures? Ooooh... you should see how ugly the crowd can turn especially if its some last set of our free local newspaper. You'll probably might see hands of more than three different people holding onto that newspaper and if anyone's biceps twitches.. the poor piece of newspaper will be in shredded.
Some culture huh? Its either a choice of embrace or embarrass. No, I do not support such manners replicating hooligans .... . What does that make you? An educated gangster? *Muggs ponders*

Posted by Muggs at 11:13 PM  


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