Are looking at the same stars under this sky?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Walking home one day, raising my head up at the sky above, stars were seen prominently distributed across. I paused my steps on the pavement to appreciate what this fine night with clear sky has to offer. Something I have not done for a real long time. Such a sight has triggered my memories of the past...........

Several years back, when Yunyun and I were an item. I often taught her how to read stars (I'm no expert, but just some little knowledge and whole lot of interest). At times, we would stop at an overhead bridge, spending quality time in spotting every little star. Remembering when I had to spend 3 weeks in U.S., I would find time each night looking at the stars, wondering if we are staring at the very same star. Each night, I would write down how I feel about her in letters and sending them back via snail mail to her...........

Of course, anyone in relationships will have their fair bit in rough patches. Now, everytime I look at the night sky, I will remember those special times that we spend together. I hope that she will always be happy and life will be kind to her.

Posted by Muggs at 11:49 PM  


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