
Thursday, November 03, 2005

Going bonkers soon. I have been dropping all my runs for endless PDFs, docs, ssh and https. Testing, testing, testing 123. *mumbles*

I missed the run with lots of people like Brokenrunner, Roger, Tiwazz, Sotong, Commando and many more!! Definitely not a good feeling ...

Can't live if I don't have exercises .....

Maybe go for bowling to brighten up my mood later, after this testing shite.

Last night, I was talking to a friend for quite sometime. I do not understand some stuff. Some people just have all the luck. Yes. Life is not totally fair. But, what can't kill me, makes me stronger.... *rarrrrr*

I went online to check out the Macross Pencil Sharpener (random package) that I saw at Lot1 the other night. Damn!! So excited! I shall make myself happier! I do not know why, but I am a pencil person. For whatever reasons its may be, I prefer to use pencil than pen. Hmm.. probably because pencils have more "life" than pens?

Posted by Muggs at 3:46 PM  


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