Two More

Friday, March 30, 2007

People's problem is my problem. Nice motto. Just because of this motto, I was late for swim. Desperately trying to get out of the office, I settle the thing in double quick time. Was I surprise to find that the requester has probably gone off for the day? No. TMD.

I swiftly packed my swim stuff. My sis was puzzled with my mad rush. 'Rushing for a swim', I muttered. She (thanks dear) offered me a Portuguese Egg Tart to last me for my swim. I swallowed it, literally. While crossing the junction to the swimming pool, a Red Doraemon (pink actually, she was in pink top) waved to me. True enough, the guys at pool already started their warm up. A small turn out at the pool today. Warm up sets of 800m, strokes of 400m, fisting of 200m and followed by killer intervals of 10 x 100m. I almost fisted a kid in the pool, since he cut into my path. Luckily, I froze in time. Not exactly killers intervals ... that would be exaggerating. Challenging is the correct word. Averaging 1:45, I was laughed at for giving the rest a hard time. It was not the competitiveness in me that raised the bar. It was definitely the crappy things at work that has driven me in the pool. I just kept sweeping my arms. 'Two more laps and that's it!', I said. The rest grunted and that left the coach laughing.

Now, that I have cleared my laundry and ate something. I will do a short run (leaving the biking out) before settling a midnight job. Yeah. Partially, that was why I swam fast. Midnight jobs. *thumbs down*

Posted by Muggs at 9:24 PM  


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