Racing The Weather

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Last night, I tried to re-organise my schedules to fit the program in. I settled for the original instead.

During my lunch break, I doubled my pace to Queensway in search for the New Balance RT800. Unfortunately, they did not have that. Alternate sources? Maybe. I can hold.

Right after work, there was a mad rush in me to get home quick. With clouds closing in, I made a hasty decision and was riding along the canal within 10mins. There were simply too many people around the area. After a while, many left during the dinner time. Whenever I could, I would crank at a speed of 25-27km/h (a conservative number). Around an hour since I started, the shade of red clouds grew darker. I was in time to stop before it turns nasty (just in case). Bored? A 1km transition run back home.

Posted by Muggs at 8:24 PM  


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