
Sunday, March 04, 2007

This morning, there was still some overcast and I was doubtful about completing my run without getting caught in the rain. By some form of a miracle chance, it was really sunny before lunch and I missed my chance. After catching my lunch, I packed some food before heading over to Chini's place. What a pleasant surprise! I bumped into Astrogirl and boi on my way.

Since Dayan was still asleep, I cut the vegetables and all the other ingredients while the couple had lunch. Since the rest have not arrived yet, I went for a short run before showering and getting my butt back around 5pm. Dayan woke up and was having his dinner. It took three adults, including myself, to make sure he takes his dinner. He was happily running around having so many guests around the house. We started the steamboat where there were three missing guests who did not make it. We took turns to entertain little Dayan. Playing tickle me Elmo and Superman with the little guy. Finally, getting him to finish his milk on his bed with me (Uncle Mugg) coaxing him. He still needed mummy to pat him to sleep after his milk mix. Struggling to finish all that is in the steamboat pot, I felt like a pregnant lady. There was quite a bit of uncooked food left. *Buuurrrrrp*

Posted by Muggs at 9:37 PM  


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