"Hello Ball"

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Damn, it feels great to recover from my nagging right foot issue. I was able to do some squash swings and played a few sets. My foot felt alright during the entire session. Something new did happen. I was struck by the squash ball. After returning the ball near wall, I turned and ran back, only to find my opponent hitting the ball towards my direction. I received a "punch" on my chest. Owwww.... It was like a hammer thrown at me. It was funny and we laughed at my misfortune. But, seriously .... playing for these years, I have never been hit, head on. Everything has a first time, don't they? Redness has turned up and probably a bruised blue black tomorrow?

Posted by Muggs at 10:10 PM  


sounds like the paintball but on a greater scale. ouch, that should hurt very bad.

Anonymous said...
8:03 AM, July 05, 2007  

I've had paintball battles before. Its a different scale. Yes!

Muggs said...
10:16 PM, July 05, 2007  

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