Friday, June 30, 2006
Here Comes Scream
Thursday, June 29, 2006
There you go... in comes the roller coaster.
"Next stop, hell" *tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk*
No lunch today and I was asked why I fell asleep while downloading MBs of mails.
Desserts this weekend! Something to look forward to.
Mummy Greatest
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Great to hear that Sammy has reached home (discharge from ward). myFTOgpx starts his diapers change parade training now.
Hello, Hello, Are You Okay?
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sometimes, I'm not sure if I am okay or not. LOL!
Happy myFTOgpx Family Day!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Proud to announce the arrival of myFTOgpx and Sammy junior. I am really happy to hear that mother and baby are safe and sound. I am looking forward to visiting them in the ward. Rest well, Sammy! A long way for this two and really happy to see them with a junior now. *All smiles* Ooei!! Kitty, you're next!! Followed by Beng's Mrs.!
![]() | This morning's badminton game was good. All my strokes were off for the first 10 minutes or so. I was not exhausted. But, I guess my strokes were a concern than stamina. Nevertheless, Saya is a strong player despite her blur outlook. I went home in time to bathe, change and head over for my dinner appointment with Kitty, KittyTrainer, LambieFatDragon. I was surprised to see an old classmate and I pointed it out to Kitty and she could hardly recognise him. All of us had a brief chat before settling down at our own table. I bumped into another Polytechnic classmate. Too bad Beng was not there. Usual food at the buffet spread and treats from the dessert corner. and |
A dessert that might trigger the interest of IMD.
1st Anniversary BBQ
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Just back from the BBQ. It was a great turn-out. Thanks everyone for the effort in preparing, games, food and eating. Hope everyone had a great time eating while I had a wonderful time cooking. Usually, at barbeques, I love cooking more than eating. I would only eat when everyone stops. Weird isn't it?

IMD gave Tiwazz and me a lift to the BBQ pit area. There was a strong presence of triathlon folks since OSIM Tri is next week. They were having a clinic for triathletes. We set up the banner and wind was starting to get strong. IMD swam with SV, while Tiwazz provided a lookout. I would be alerted for assistance if there is a need. Hence, I started with the preparation for corns. Within 10 - 20 mins, it poured. Most of the people started to arrive in the rain. When the rain stopped, it was ready for games. Sotong and a couple of them set up the stations and moved off before the participants start. I stayed back to prepare food and to receive the BBQ catering food. We started the fire before they got back. Once most of them are back from the games, we proceeded with the cooking. A couple of us braved the fire cooking up meat and vegetables. We even had 2 cakes, fried rice, fried bee-hoon and potato salad. I am turly happy to see some old faces that I have not seen for quite a while. Glad that they made it to this BBQ.
Yes, we miss Roentgen, Seal, Brokenrunner, Astrogirl and all that are suppose to attend. A get-well-wish for FBB and Astrogirl. I could not stay for the night because I think the 12pm session badminton tomorrow will kill me. I am suppose to meet Kitty and Lambie for dinner too. Beng is going to travel again and will be missing this dinner gathering.

Thanks for everyone's company. Thanks IMD for the lift, sending us home (Ronnie, Cyberkinetic, Renohtaram, Hedgehog and me).
Toilet Joke
Friday, June 23, 2006
Tons of things can and will go wrong in office. Today was not spare too. Not too bad. Someone can still entertain me in the toilet. Wanting to take a leak, I went over to the Gents. Upon stepping into the washroom, I was greeted by a guy who was sucking his gut in and posing like a Mr. Universe in front of a basin mirror. Yes, the whole universe stopped for that microsecond. Whiskey Tango Hotel! I was on the verge of laughing out loud. For once, learning to contain laughter and keeping a steady pee line can be a feat. FLMAOROTF. TMD.
I can smell the aroma of honey from my wok while it was steaming. *rub palms*
Hmm... it is done. Well.. the cake looks moist and compact. Not like what I thought it would turn out to be. I certainly wanted a spongy version rather than this. Though one thing is correct, it actually is tasty.
What's For Lunch?
Thursday, June 22, 2006

My late lunch after closing a meeting and demo.
The store owner must be puzzled why I keep taking shots of the Avocado drink.
Uncle: "Oooei! Trying to copy my recipe?"
Should you be running around this area, just to pick up this cooling drink? A run and followed by breakfast? Great idea!
Can I kick up a storm in the kitchen this Sunday? Hopefully before I meet up with Kitty and Lambie.
Missing The Grand Run
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Stopping over at the run start point today to say a quick hello to the guys warming up, right after my work. I can't join in the fun for the run today because I have to attend a seminar. Much to my disappointment, the seminar was not something that I expect it to be. It is more of a product sales, rather than education. Nevertheless, I stayed on observing the speakers, that took turns at the podium, in the way that they speak. Right after the seminar ended, I told SH that I got to run and will catch up with her soon.
I ran over to the gathering area and the runners were ready to cut the cakes. In fact, they were gathering to take pictures. It is IMD and Roentgen's birthday today. Happy Birthday, guys!! Mega-hunks!! May all your wishes come true!! Health comes first and wealth follows next!! Biggest turnout today by far. Too many to be named... . I did not even get to mingle around enough to know the new faces.
The Movie: Cars
Monday, June 19, 2006
Much discussion on work today has left me with a bad feeling about the whole thing again. Meeting on scheduling over and over again? Seems like PDAs are only good for games. This Friday? Let me try to look on the bright side and take on the job as "easy" as 1-2-3. 3 cases where my behind is on the firing line. No harm done. All too familiar.
I had to drop swimming today, since I wanted to watch "Cars". How can I miss animations like these?! Never. Of all days, I can only sacrifice the swim. I do want to swim. I guess I want to watch "Cars" more.
Meeting EndlessTrail, Albin, Audrey and Kelvin for dinner before the movie starts. While collecting tickets for the show, a colleague called me asking why did I not join the dinner tonight. Certainly, he is someone whom I feel is appreciative, in every way for the work that I am trying to produce. The short "One Man Band" clip (short clips that Pixar always have) was entertaining enough. Cartoon and animations never fail to brighten up my day. Apart from the entertainment value in terms of laughter, they never fail to bring across a couple of meaningful points in life. "Cars" begs you stop and think about your life. Going around too fast? Have you ever slowed down to look at things and appreciate those around you? Have you been on the receiving end, all these while? Does every sentence start with an "I" instead of "We"?
Lightning McQueen ... unmistakeable Owen Wilson voice. Ka-chng!
Oreo Cheesecake Burn Run
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Woke up at 5.30am today for MR run with the guys. Reaching at 6.45am, most were already there. Some stretching, chit-chatting and off we went. Sotong, TeeLee, Nemo, Andy, Cfred84, Cokiee, Cheow12, Roentgen, Cosmic_wind and I went into the trails. Most of them did 20km today. Some did 15km, where I clocked only 11km. Since I did only 11km, I was the first person to reach the carpark. Within minutes of cool down exercises, it poured!!! The rest were caught in the rain. Most came back only after 2hrs. After some picture taking, only a handful of us headed over to Adam Food Centre for breakfast.

Hungry in the afternoon, I fork out my remaining slice of Oreo Cheesecake from the fridge. Hmm... the crust and filling seems a little firmer now. I should have left it in for another day. Point to take note. Quite a few asked about the cheesecake. ell, I got the recipe off Kraft's website. What's next? I have always wanted to learn how to make Har Gaos, those in Dim Sums.
Claypot With Lab Rats
Saturday, June 17, 2006
My day filled with activities the moment I woke up. Nevermind the activation. I checked my cake in the fridge to see if everything is okay. I tasted a slice of it before passing to Bala, whom Karloong always agreed with me that he is a true trashbin.

Set!! I am off to find more victims! Meeting my lab rats at a station near our designated dining area, I forced them to finish my oreo cheesecakes at syringe-point. Most of them did comply because they were hungry while waiting for Philip and Sotong. I do agree with Kay that the cake was a little strong on the cheese. I'm finding ways to lower that. Hmm... The crust does not stay compressed as much as the way I wanted it to be. I should have made the filling a little firmer. Sotong went ahead to wait at the claypot store and when Philip arrived, all of us made comments on how hot his
No time to lose. We ordered food and gobbled them down as soon as the plates touched the table. Hungry!! No suprise at all, we were the noisest lot!

We had dessert after a sinful-filling dinner. What sinful dinner would it be, without desserts!? Thanks guys, for the fantastic night that you have shared with me!! Meteor and Alvo came all the way to volunteer as lab rats. Some more pictures on the claypot rice and dishes to whet your appetite.

Not enough? This was what the whole claypot hunt is for? Eat this!

So much for food. Tomorrow, let's burn it out at MR. No slacking.
Project Oreo Cheesecake (Codename LS)
Friday, June 16, 2006
In production. Stay tuned.

Some of the ingredients.
I have just finished the crust, filling and all. Now, its in the fridge. See ya later, cake.
Midway through my filling whisking session, my stomach was growling...
Damn.... I just had my dinner!!!
PhotoFriday - Automotive

It's a road kill. Don't look.
Swim + Soccer Match View
Monday, June 12, 2006
I had a good swim with SV, Tiwazz and IMD at the pool tonight. There was a good, bloody, heart pumping workout at the last 500M. IMD and I had a good laugh at the results. We got out of the pool earlier than usual today. They are catching Australia vs. Japan at my place tonight. Japan lost and its only goal was not exactly the best, not even good to me. Pure luck.
Commando Visits
Saturday, June 10, 2006
My morning started with a trip over to Sentosa, meeting SV and Tiwazz for a swim at the beach. I stayed to look after bags and read some notes that I brought along. The tide was just nice and I wished I swam. Families with kids and dogs running all around. At around 12pm plus, the dark clouds moved rapidly to cover over our heads. Fortunately, SV and Tiwazz bathed and changed. We had to do a short tempo run to the bus stop. It was pouring already. When we reached Harbour Front, it was down to a drizzle.

We took a train over to TTSH to visit Commando or where we thought he would be (initially). I think I forgot to copy down the details. We ended up having lunch at TTSH's food court before taking a cab to SGH. Commando is in good condition and is recovering. We all hope that he would be back in action to join us for runs. TLR, FD, SV and Tiwazz, Renohtaram and I dropped by at canteen to have some coffee and dessert before heading home. Speedy recover, Commando!
Meet The Woman Of My Life
Friday, June 09, 2006
Really excited to meet ShiHao and his squeeze wife-to-be today, after I accidentally bumped into him the last time at Orchard. He told me how his wife-to-be changed his life, lifestyle and views. I have known him since Primary School. Being someone simple, he has a few simple pleasures in life. Someone who is an introvert too.
We had dinner. I ordered ham crepes, potato salad and ice tea. They gave me a treat, I bought them coffee over TCC then.
Nice to know another man walking away from singlehood.
World Cup Starts Now!! Dang!! Germans, go back to your sausages making and pork knucles!! I want the underdogs to win! But, Costa seems weak.
Claymore Blast
Thursday, June 08, 2006
There has been a claymore blast incident. Man down situation.
Wait! But, I have seen this before.
Buildings and Cakes
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
![]() | While waiting or a meeting to start at one of the most uncommon place (a cafe), I got bored waiting for people to arrive and started taking pictures. Photography is probably one of the best ways to distract me from daily's silly struggles. A slow 6K today. Just to burn off some of the mango cake. |
Today is Bala's birthday. It is SportVenturer's too. Yesterday was Bee's. Happy Birthday, guys!

All Shop And No Run
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Just after a short run. I have not taken Japanese food for quite a while. Since, I missed run wth the guys today because I had to get a present for Bala.
I had my dinner at Waraku Japanese Restaurant which happens to be nearby the shopping mall.

A colleague passed me a book today, which is rather interesting. I'm already finishing soon due to its huge font and wasteful when it comes to use for space in a page. Frankly speaking, I have not been reading such books for a long time. My time is spent on other books or PDFs. However, I must say this book is witty, hilarious in the points that they bring across. Yet, it brings light to those who are still clouded with excuses.
More Ping Sweeps
Monday, June 05, 2006
Back from a swim with the guys. Nothing much. Just a short 1km. Lots of kiddies at the same small pool splashing away. It holidays for students.
Hmm... it sounded like a ping sweep today, during lunch. I think my IDS is picking up too many traces. Need to have more security choke points.
Today's lunch was Japanese. This reminds me that I said I wanted to go over to Waraku for a long time. Soon.
June 2006 TT
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Well done, TeeLee and Tiwazz. Great work. We saw Sumiko and Evelyn there too. They did great too.

Before TT started, I went for a round in MR. I did not know that Roentgen will be doing a round too. Junie, KickJazz, Nemo, Andy, Roentgen, Ronnie and SportVenturer appeared as support team. We went for dinner at AMK S11 with Nemo and TeeLee ordering XL chicken cutlets. I had minced meat noodles which was pretty decent. Looking at the less than spectacular desserts, I went for Iced Milk Tea (nice).
I'll probably do my TT again in August? But, ... I might be out of town!
C'mon... I'm waiting for Cars to be out this Thursday too! Slither looks crappy. BenchWarmers received the thumbs down from the guys.
More Yummies
More yummies posting in Tibet/Chengdu before I go for a short run in MR and some supporting at TT.

EndlessTrail's Raisins in Rice was a really funny one. Apparently, we could not find any raisins in the rice, albeit the dish being sweet.
Slacker In Sentosa
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Slacking day in Sentosa for me today. While meeting Tiwazz at the bus terminal, the rest of those are already at the beach. IMD and SportVenturer biked there. Nemo and Andy were already there. Nemo and SportVenturer were swimming. The tide was okay. I shall join them next week. But, I must say that I was surprised to see Dasher with what they call "chopchops" there. It has been a while since I saw Dasher. He must be really busy with his Salsa classes.
I was just a bag jagarer today.
What Do You Get In Tibet?
Thursday, June 01, 2006

I want to go back there now.
Chicken Rice Gather
It is friends like these that make you forget struggles in an office.
I met Bug, Flip, RunAlone, IMD, Penguin and Kops21 for lunch at Dover, since we are working around the West. Sotong was not able to join us in time. Penguin was the last to come. But, she was still able to have some chicken that is left on the plate.
We laughed and chatted about runs that are up and coming. We parted ways with Penguin while RunAlone sent me IMD and I to the train station. Thanks guys for the great one hour!!