Race: Fina Fuji Xerox 5km Charity Swim

Sunday, October 07, 2007

The sky above my head looked cloudy before I left for East Coast. Fair enough, it seems like they can hold. Nearing the coastal area, a threatening shade of grey showed up on the left side of my radar - the inlands.

Most of the folks were already there. Slackers like Tiwazz and Roonz had already settled their 3km swim. Slacker IMD did not slack a bit at all. Cycling to East Coast on his trusty HIM-Certified transport. I heard that someone got "ushered" to the end point. It did not come across to us, we (too) suffered the same fate....

The "white caps" gathered at the start point and listened to an official's last minute briefing. 5laps of 1km each - remember to loop and step on mat. Sure thing. Flag off! Our detail made waves and I reminded myself to take it easy. Swimmers lapped me like power crafts. As usual, I got molested from knee level and below. A jelly fish must have scored since I had a sting - burning sensation across my chest. I let out a "yeeeeeow", underwater. Once out of water for first lap, Mrs. Sotong (our resident pom pom girl) and Sxuanjing cheered for me. Thanks!! Trying hard not to look like I'm slacking too much. I grabbed a cup of isotonic drink, gulped down the yellow liquid and dived back down into the sea. Approximately 100m away from the shore, it started to pour. I always love rain drops falling on my head. Dark skies swiftly move to our location. Everything changed. Heavy downpour, strong winds and choppy waves sent the officials to declare the race to be stopped. It was for everyone's safety. I completed approximately 1.5km before being asked to head back to shore. A quick check with Kops21 calling Sxuanjing, Sotong was out of the waters too. Great!

All of us went for our carbo reload at Kallang hawker. To replenish my lost carbo, I took a bowl of noodles, almond paste and hamcheebang.


psst... Did Not Finish - Not My Fault
Our friend seems pretty affected by DNF.... cheer up! We'll get our revenge!

Posted by Muggs at 10:18 PM  


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