Slow But Back

Monday, January 16, 2006

Yesterday, several of us went for a run. Slow. Since I thought they are going for a slow jog.. 10km.. I should still be fine. I have to test my ankle's condition anyway. I woke up pretty early at 5plus in the morning, took a bus down to Gleneagles before walking over to the meeting point. I'm the earliest with others arriving soon. Cheow12, Violet, Tiwazz, Cokiee, LittleFoot, Renohtaram and I started off at the stadium. Along the way, we met up with Chyarose before heading over to 6th Avenue. Some of them went to try the slopes at 3rd or 5th (can't remember) Avenue. Due to some road works, some of us got separate. Of course, all of us know the way back and we gathered at the basketball court exchanging stretching techniques. Brunch! *Hint* There were 3 plates of Lontong. Guess who were the ones?!

Since Chyarose is flying off soon, Tiwazz, Renohtaram and I bought her ice cream. After some Holicks ice cream for me, the threes of us took a bus ride.. all napping on the bus.. reaching Queensway Shopping Centre. While walking around looking at sporting goods, .. Tiwazz resisted the temptations from nearby laksa smell.... After some window shopping, we all headed home. That was when I discovered that I had stepped on some dung. There were still grass on it.. must have picked it up during the run. *faint* Sacrificing a tooth brush, I soaped and brushed it before washing my Asics.. lucky thing. .. its the Landreth. Overall, I am glad that I am to complete 10km for now.. Everything looks good so far.

Now... I just came back from swimming with some new faces in the pool! HyperActive, I think that is what her nick is. LittleFoot's friend. So many splashes made today! HyperActive, Cheow12, IronmanDreamer, Wildcat (in his 2 piece Tri suit), Astrogirl, Tiwazz, LittleFoot, Kops21 and myself.

Posted by Muggs at 11:00 PM  


wah so many runs.. how come never jio me one?? i also wan horlicks ice-cream!

Janice_O said...
9:01 AM, January 19, 2006  

run3... haven't you been reading posts? Or you prefer us to alert you via SMS? Think Tiwazz has your mobile no.?

Muggs said...
10:27 AM, January 19, 2006  

been reading.. but i'm a forum newbie and the changes r too fast n furious! many a times i open a post and realise its an emoticon! *kena conned* was this the botanic gardens run? oks.. will try to keep up.

Janice_O said...
2:33 PM, January 19, 2006  


so ....u were the one to give the
"chop chop" secrets away.... :D

dun say dun hv hor...
fr now onwards me will sms u every
run we will be going...
juz dun "complain" i harress u hor...:D

Anonymous said...
3:03 PM, January 19, 2006  

ooops.. chop chop.. I see.. Spies are reading..

Muggs said...
3:05 PM, January 19, 2006  

spies?? what spies?? *roll eyes*

Renohtaram said...
1:51 AM, January 22, 2006  

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