"Quiiick Climb!!"
Sunday, October 30, 2005
An American pool skills sharpening session yesterday. Hmm.. some minor improvements here and there. Kinda happy. American pool sessions are always for relaxation.
Movies... ahh... It has been ages since I last watched a movie. Pretty selective when it comes to movies. Awww man!! There are a few that I would want to watch that is coming soon. With so many crappy, trashy movies around.... I wouldn't have watched DOOM if I weren't a gamer. But, seriously, I don't really give a very high score for DOOM. I feel that the FPS (First Person Shooter) scene is totally unnecessary. Seems like movies are never too good when they are shot after a book or game has a successful sales record. I did not watch a midnight show for a really long time too. I hurried home. Suppose to meet Tiwazz and guys for Vertical Marathon ninja Training this morning.
In morning, 8am .. or should I say 8.30a where I reach TPY. Tiwazz, Kops21, Brokenrunner and YankeeII were already waiting for me. Alamugg!! I miscalculated on the traveling time. From my place, I would need an hour of train ride. We did our stairs climb sets after our warm-ups. I did only 3 whereas the rest did 4. My sets averaged out to be 5min 15secs. Tiring!! I kept my hands away from walls... trying to avoid all form of "assistance" to balance or make me move up the stairs faster. *Ouch* *Pant* After our ninja training, we had a "sinful" brunch. The famous laksa
The laksa saga continues....
The Walk: One
Saturday, October 29, 2005
An intern ended his nightmare yesterday, finishing his internship. Well, I call it, tour-of-duty in 5 months. Taking roles, in marketing, boy-friday, usherer, mover, organiser and more! Our office bought him a BF2 keyboard set with mouse, perfect gift for a gamer. After work, we went for a wonderful dinner. Next ... drinking time! At least the intention is to get the intern drunk! We ended making him high on drinks. I did not enjoy that place much. Places like these makes me smell like I have been living in a 40 foot container of cigarettes, all my life. Music was not too exciting. We left the place around 2am. I got home dead tired, showered and headed to bed right away, at 3am. However, it still screwed my chances of going to SP for Interval Training with Cheow12, Tiwazz and Dong. I tried waking up at 6am. I felt totally crappy. I don't think I can even do a 8km. Needless to say that I will drop dead after doing Interval Training. I SMS-ed Tiwazz and continued searching for my Sleeping Beauty in dreamland.
Old News?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
No news is old news. Just got to know 2 more are taking the walk. Oh well.. .. that is life. People come, people go. You just have to take it. Best of luck to them, of course!
There is definitely something very wrong about the environment. But, nothing seems to be done to address it. Probably, they just want to let it rot and allow maggots to spawn.
Dumb news aside... check this out!! Hilarious rejected iPod engraving suggestions.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I had fun torturing my colleagues for a 2.4km run and later did a 10 over km run with the guys at SGR. First, I only managed to dragged 3 unwilling souls to run a 2.4km along the canal jogging track. Of course, it was more walking than running for them. But, it is a good start. I did a 2.8km, running to each of them to encourage them. This is only a warm-up before I meet the group.
Once we were done with the 2.4km, I headed home straight. Dumped my stuff on the ground and went out to join back the canal stretch at a different section (I am staying nearby). Penguin called me on my mobile while I was on my way out. It seems like she is late and none in the group knew that she was coming. I punched a few guys' numbers and none of them picked up the phone. I guess they must have started the run. When I reached the canal, I saw a big group of runners ahead. It must be them!!! Such a big of runners at this time, this place?! Too much of a coincidence. I sprinted ahead. "Tiwazz, Kops21, Carine!!" Finally, I caught their attention. Too bad, I disrupted the group's momentum. But, poor Penguin was stranded. I called her mobile and Kops21 got her to place her stuff in the gym and wait for us to return. She would probably join us for dinner instead. Alright! Enough talking! We got to carry on!
Running along the main road now, we hooked back in to join the canal around 1km later. That was when Ultraman did his guest appearance. I was behind the group running with Kops21. Everyone shouted, "Ultraman, Ultraman, Ultraman!!" Damn... probably it was a little too dark. I couldn't see a thing. Before I even knew it, the dust settled.... Ultraman was gone. Maybe there were some monsters out there wreaking havoc in the city. Ultraman went off to save the day!
We continued our route, while stopping at the traffic lights waiting to cross the junction. Once we crossed the junction, viola! We bumped into Penguin and IronmanDreamer. Hooray!! We are running back in a group. Too bad, we had to cut short Penguin and IronmanDreamer's distance, about 4km less. Ending at IBP, we took pictures again. I shook hands with new faces, increasing my face recognition database. Too bad I had to settle something. I headed home early, missing out a dinner with them. IronmanDreamer is going home too and he intends to jog home. Joining him, I had a good time chit-chatting all the way home, while he continued his journey.
It was great running with: IronmanDreamer, Penguin, Dreamrunner, Flip, Slacker, Runalone, Whr, Freddy, Spectre, Carine and Kops21. Ultraman did a guest appearance.
I vaguely recall a song that I heard last night while drifting off to sleep. I once looped this song to infinity.
Artist: Selena
Title: Dreaming Of You
Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up late and think of you and I wish on a star
That somewhere you are thinking of me too
'Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight
'Til tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me
Wonder if you ever see me and I wonder if you
Know I'm there (Am I there)
If you looked in my eyes would you see what's inside
Would you even care
I just wanna hold you close but so far
All I have are dreams of you
So I wait for the day and the courage to say
How much I love you
I'll dreaming of you tonight
'Til tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me
I can't stop dreaming of you
I can't stop dreaming
I can't stop dreaming of you
Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up and think of you
And I still can't believe that
You came up to me and said
I love you
I love you too
I'll be dreaming with you tonight
'Til tomorrow and for all of my life
And there's nowhere in the world l'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming with you endlessly
(From http://lyrics.astraweb.com)
Monday, October 24, 2005
Pictures that I took before meeting up with a client. I was early. The trees and the skies reminded me of those days when I was in Raleigh, NC.
When it comes to shopping, girls always rule. Usually. Tonight, it was a guys night out. There are just a few things that draws guys, shopping together. Computers. Cars. Watches. This time, it was sports wear. I have yet to spend on New Balance, since I have the 40% discount voucher. Hence, YankeeII, Tiwazz, Taz and I went to New Balance Tech Centre. I wanted one of the models (trail shoes). Too bad. They don't have my size. I had to choose a different model. Basically, I wanted to buy another pair of Asics shoes, Cumulus.
Heading off to AV for dinner, we drafted out plans for next week's holidays (2 days, in fact). Might as well do a 20km in MR.
Triathlon Accident
Sunday, October 23, 2005
A tragic accident.
On the news and from those who went to the New Balance Corporate Triathlon event, an accident took place on Saturday. A swimmer doing the relay event, drown during his swim event. Sad to hear that he left behind 2 kids and a wife. Deepest condolence to his family.
Flash! Bang! *Click*
" .... I want you!! Right here, right now. "
" Oh yeah! ...... "
" Is that all you've got? "
" Show me something..... "
What the ...? Bala was watching WWE on the T.V.. I was sufing net, downloading mails, MSN IM-ing in a conference, reading posts and blogs while it suddenly went pitch dark. Do not ask me why I'm still up in the middle of the night, when I should be in my bed, still recovering from sore throat and what-have-you. The only glow around was my laptop screen. Power trip! Second time in this month!? The authorities must do something about it. Thanks! I needed that in the middle of a MSN IM conference and mails downloading. *DUH* Must be that lightning seconds ago.
I cannot do anything else.... except generate reports for work. Okay... at least I made use of the time while waiting for....
- Some guy's pager to beep.
- He to walk to his car, take a ride down to my block's power mains.
- Flip some switches, punch some buttons.
Finally(and about time too), power restored about just half an hour later. This is so much better the previous time, record high of 3 hours. Nothing harmed, except that the parties in the MSN IM conference thought I was pissed at something that they said. You guys!! It was a silly power trip. Good thing that the power came back fast. Or else... I'll have to finish off all the honeydews, ice creams and whatever valueable perishables in the fridge. NOT!
I got MSN IM from TLR and we briefly chatted before I headed for my bed. TLR is back from Pakistan's disaster zone, after much rescue work. Great job!
Saturday, October 22, 2005
During noon time, yesterday, I can feel that my body telling me that I'm going to have a breakdown. True enough. By later afternoon, meeting a client halfway through, I had a sore throat. By night time, a slight fever came. I had to sleep early last night. Too many late nights for work, last week, have taken their toll on me. Probably too little time to sleep.
This morning, I am suppose to go to MR with Tiwazz. He ended up going there himself. My fever is gone. Sore throat stayed on. This cancels out the chance for tonight's makan session with flip and Philip organising too. Badminton at 1300-1500hrs later. Can't do that too. Tomorrow, TD walkers (because they don't even jog anymore, they just walk) are going to MR for a walk. That is out too.
Life is boring without sports.
What The...
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Dammit!!! That brand of glucosamine....
Plus.. the other brand of energy gel.. twice the price of the usual brand.. are they made from uranium or what?
Slow and Easy
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Home already... around 1800hrs plus.. KK came to pick up my digicam for her China trip. This kid is traveling away from home for the first time. It should be an eye opener for her.
Hmm.. I received an IM from Tiwazz asking me if I want to jog. Slow and easy run. He wanted to try running from BV to IBP via the park connector link way, beside the canal. So, I got my running stuff and out I went. We met and did the route, turning around at the IBP end. The route measured around 11km. We chatted while running, trying to train like Carine and BrokenRunner, chat while running. We stopped over near my place for dinner. It was a slow.. but enjoyable run for me. But, the place did remind me of my first dating spot. Well, that wasn't exactly the spot(the canal) we dated... we passed there.. on our way home.
New Layout
Monday, October 17, 2005
Arrrrg.. I have been talking about this for ages. Now that I've actually started some coding *eyes roll*.. finally. Not too sure, when can we see the new layout. I need some other pictures. Will have to go get them.
Bottoms Up!!!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Mission 2: Banquet Wedding Dinner
Okay, I'm shit face now. Back from Beng's wedding dinner. I helped him down a few hard liquors with egg, red wine, beers. I'm slight better.. probably just 80% high now... blog about the event (wedding) later.. before I have typo errors. Photos.. later... I need to catch some sleep.
Happy that my buddy is finally married!! I know I will get a massive headache later when I wake up. Over and out!
Updated at 1743hrs:
Going through the pics now.. and a re-cap of what has taken place in Mission 2. I took a quick nap before heading down to the ballroom at the hotel where Beng's wedding dinner is held. I had to be there early to make sure that the songs (for first and second march-in are perfect) and the Montage is able to play on the system at a comfortable volume. Running around, coordinating with the Function Manager. Soon, guests started pouring in. I readied the petals and party poppers for the first and second march-in too. Showing the guests to their seats and seeing to the guests' request on behalf of Beng, the host.
So many faces that I know and some faces I have not seen for a really long time. Gang4, OCS, ZhuiTeLun, myFTOgpx, Lambie, Mr. & Mrs. Fong + Fong Jr.1, ArcadeDT, etc. Out of the 7 tables (Beng's friends or colleagues), I know 6 tables of guests already. Makes my job, taking care of the guests easier. Both bride and groom's folks are okay too, since they have seen me before.
Around 2025hrs, we started the Montage and followed by the first march in with the couple heading up onto the stage for doing the R.O.M. ceremony with a JP. Photographer snapping away.... With the ceremony over and cutting of the cake, the first dish started when the couple returned to their seats.
Taking a some food, I went around socialising with my Poly mates, Beng's Army buddies, ex-colleagues and all, just to make sure everything is okay for them. Time's up!! Second march in for the couple, champagne popping and followed by the 3 cheers of Yum-Seng! The bride and groom expressed their thanks to the parents and those around them with rounds and rounds of applause.
RLEK and PolarBear helped to organise the tables for photograph taking, skipping those "unfriendly" (games and drinks trap) tables of guests. Drinks are left to the last, in order to be tackled. The bride and groom took most of the drinks that the guests wanted them to drink, through forfeits or games. For the remaining 3 tables, they probably had too much to drink and already looking a little dazed. I helped them down a few hard liquors with egg, red wine, beers. Woo hoo,... I have not drank liquor (in that kind of quantity) for years. Yeah, I would have a mug of beer or a glass of wine, once in a really blue moon. But, this night... *pfffttt*. Almost knocked out by the drinks. Missed by probably another few more glasses.
Fortunately, the couple are still able to send the guests off. PolarBear and I hurried the couple back to their room and got room service to send a flask of warm water for Beng to flush the alcohol out of the system by taking more fluids (plain water). We left them when Beng seems to be a little more sober.
RLEK and PolarBear have been great help to Beng's wedding on this special night.
Beng's Wedding
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Mission 1: Dawn Attack
Me: Oooei. Good morning! Better wake up. Late already.
PolarBear: Uhhhh...mmm mm ..
Me: Hello!! Oooooooooeeeii!!
PolarBear: Okay okay...
*click* I hung up.
I woke my colleague, PolarBear, up because it Beng's wedding today and we have to be there at 0815hrs. Waking up and 0630hrs and getting ready for our battle mission briefing at his place. PolarBear and I dropped by a MacDonalds for breakfast before meeting up RLEK at Beng's place. An adequately sized force enough to take on the sisters and the bride, we had a groom and 3 brothers. Arriving a the bride's house, while... it was time to play fear factor. Not yet. We had to wake up the neighbors with our terrible singing. A lead vocal (groom) and 3 backup singers crooning an English and Chinese song each.
Its a set up!!! An entrapment!!! We were labeled as lousy singers. Not loud enough. What else? Not romantic. We were asked to drink a murky brown liquid in a mug. I can see sediments at the bottom layer... Not simple. I smell wasabi ... "You guys, we're in deep trouble.", I sounded the alarm. I took a few gulps, passing the mug around. Damn!!! This is a vile concoction, man!! I tasted coffee, soya sauce and wasabi. Bleh!!!! Don't get me wrong. I like wasabi and (in fact) lots of it when I am having sushi or sashimi. Have you tried drinking sweet, salty and spicy flavoured coffee? Hello?! Wasabi does not fit in here and it would never, okay? It sent shivers down my spine at that instant. I was already staring at blank space.. almost passing out. So, did RLEK. His face was pale. The second game was .. .. Q&A. Sorry, bro. ... we don't know your wife well enough as you do. "You're on your own brother!!". Beng had a few wrong questions.. took some other different funny colored drink and had to do a bottoms up before the door was opened. Of course, we chipped in a red packet too.
Level 1 is over... now to another obstacle. Level 2. The door leading to the bride's room. Another obstacle to be clear only by the groom. We cannot take over at this scene, kneeling on the floor to profess our love. It is Beng's show. Once that door has been cleared, the bride and groom too some pics before heading out to a nearby spot for a photo shoot session. Even tourists got excited and wanted to take a pic of the couple. I was "lucky"..... a bird relieved himself with his poo landing on my shoe.... Thanks. One more inch, it would have hit me on my head.
"C'mon... let's go!!". We headed back to Beng's place to tea ceremony, a quick buffet and family photo shoot. *Rush rush*... Okay, now back to the bride's place for tea ceremony and family photo shoot. We are pretty much done with the morning session and everyone went over to their new flat. Taking some rest, a breather, before we take on Mission 2: Banquet Wedding Dinner, at night.
I have some other really nice pictures.. Too bad. I'm not going to post them.
Die Punk! Nailed You!
Friday, October 14, 2005
Got into the office really late today. Okay, I gave myself the excuse. Totally out on the mental side for today. But, it is a good thing that Beng's wedding Montage is okay now. I was rather reluctant about going to the Paintball game in the afternoon. In the end, with a full force turn out from our side, .. oh well.. I joined. We're fighting against our reseller for our products. The host/facilitator dressed up like Tomb Raider's Lara Croft and I think that was really cool. She did a run-through on covering safety, usage of arms, game play, layout and rules.
Divided into 4 teams. I had a great time. A few frags collected by me.. and I got shot a few rounds too. I had a close shot on me, with the round landing on my thumb.. damn!!! My thumb went numb for a good 15 mins. During the games, I heard someone squeezing off a mag of 20 rounds using Auto mode. *Ppttttt ppttttt ppttttt ppttttt ppttttt ppttttt ppttttt*, the sound of projectiles flying off that Carbine air gun. This guy just emptied one mag of 20 "slugs" onto his opponent.
LOLS!!! In the entire session, I was branded as the "Most Gung-ho Soldier"! That is because I was running all around the grounds. Even when I had to go back to our base (if you're dead or swapping mags), in order to "resurrect", I ran from point to point. For the rest, they walked.... totally out of breathe! Hehh hehh heh... The advantage of being a runner. When they learned that I am a runner, they all cursed and swore! "Whoa! Win already lor... ". It drizzled a little during our games. It definitely did not dampen our spirits. Great team building!!
When our games ended, we still have some rounds left in our mags. We were pitting our shooting skills against each other by shooting at balloons. There were only 4 balloons and soon it was over. I came out with the idea of shooting a empty soft drink can. Our guys were totally thrilled!! However, all missed. The only person who was able to hit the can was Becky!!! Only lady in our group! She really put the guys to shame!! hahha... Enjoyed ourselves trememdously.There was a de-brief where everyone checked their "wounds". I had two gun shot wounds on my thighs and one on my right arm. MEDIC!!!!!!! It was already red and blue black. Ouch. IMHO, the grounds were a little too small. Oh well, beggers can't be choosers. I'm not complaining... just a note.
Tomorrow, I have to wake up early again. Big event. Beng's wedding.
3hrs of Zzz
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Finished our set up late last night.. like .. sleeping only at 0230hrs, I woke up at 0530hrs today. Man... 3 hours of sleep only. I had to drag myself into the shower and head over to MacDonald (since now most branches are operating at 24hrs), I bought breakfast for my colleague, Polar Bear (before he picks me up and head for the event) and myself. While queuing, the radio was playing this ....
Artist: Daniel Bedingfield
Title: If You're Not The One
If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all
I never know what the future brings
But I know you are here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?
I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘ Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
And know my heart is by your side
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
(From http://lyrics.astraweb.com)
All of a sudden, I'm lost. No idea why. But, I truly am. Nevermind... I feel better because it was a nice song for the morning.. in a way, I'm tired but I can still work. My day started. An event went on for our company today. Thoughout the whole event, I was yakking and yakking away.. taking only occasional breaks. My lunch and tea breaks were all after everyone is done. During the event, my mobile phone was used for an SMS game. Several questions were thrown to the floor of paricipants and once they have the answer, they would sms to my mobile. Damn... have you ever seen a screen that says "100 messages" on your mobile screen? For me, at least today, I know my phone can take 100 messages. Event over... now... at Beng's place, finalising the Montage VCD. I'm already in the ABK mode - Already Bo-gao Koon.
Not sure if I can survive to go for the paintball session tomorrow.
Mad, crazy... every comes. Just back from setting up work stuff. Tomorrow waking up at 0530hrs. Correction. Should be today. Practically, I have just 3hrs of sleep.
Don't know why.. I was in the office at around 2100hrs, listening to Norah Jones CD, while trying to set up some stuff. I recalled watching the stars filled skies each time, I go for dive trips. I sure miss my nudibranches, soft corals, manta rays (not yet), whale sharks (wait longer), nemo (yeah, right... everyone's a nemo), butterfly fishes, etc... most of all, I miss bannerfishes, because they're usually in pairs.
What happens to my Thailand island hopping trip? On hold till I have leave for it then... sigh. KK ... next year... almost can't wait already. Can't think much now.. except for... bed.
No early sleep later tonight too, need to rush off some video stuff.... need AC's equipment. I don't have a choice. Die. ABK.
I have the strange feeling (or idea) again.. hmm.. nuts. Go away! *shooo shoo* (Don't waste time)
Suppose to have a company paintball event on this Fri. Would love to go and clock a few frags. But, not too sure if I still can survive till this Friday. Plus... Beng's full day event on this Saturday. Might need to perform some Fear Factor style, swallowing some concoction. Barge some doors and bang through some walls. Do one arm push ups. Wear some lip stick (sorry bro, .... we don't do lip stick, you're on your own, brother!), before Beng get to see his princess. That is probably just the morning session. Noon? Night? Whoa... I'm better off doing a LSD!! hhahh...
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
This week, madness visited us at work again. Stop. I shall just stop right here. At times, I am really speechless about what is happening.
But, it was fun, this afternoon, having lunch with several ex-colleagues. Talked about the old times.
Beng's wedding is around the corner. Pretty pressurising for me. Better don't screw up anything. Can take pics? Try to.
Yeah.. bought a shirt for Beng's wedding too. Anyway, I needed a new shirt. Ok...
Suppose to run tonight.. but. . .. tomorrow then. Not much updates. Head is empty. All filled with stuff at work.
2nd Get Together Run
Sunday, October 09, 2005
It would be too boring to just document my running Zone on my HRM, my timing and distance.. so.. how about writing down today's run with 30 runners!!
Upon reaching the C2 carpark(in cheow12's car), we spotted Brokenrunner from far. Alvo2102, Metero and Dreamrunner were already there. Soon, Kay walked into the carpark. We met new faces like aliciab and Judith. In a matter of minutes, Sotong and mrs. Sotong, YankeeII, kops21, Tiwazz, TLR, Fd and Bee. Dreamrunner talked about his visit to Asics and with his new catch, Asics Cumulus.
Yikes! Reaching 7.30am soon!! We walked towards the designated starting/gathering point. I saw a few more new faces, mingled around to say hello hi. Since I'm the contact person to meet for this run.. ha!! Everyone went, "Ohh... so you're Balasing!". Okay, time to go.. I ran with them for a 200 - 300 metres and counting the number of runners (just in case). Afterwhich I turned around to run back to the starting point, waiting for Eunice, Renohtaram, Cyberkinetic and skyvers1810. After a while, only Eunice, Renohtaram and his friends appeared... I went with them to catch up the the main group. Funny!! While chatting with Eunice, I spotted someone turning around. So fast? Ehm... mrs. Sotong, I mean, she is probably doing a shorter distance. No worries! All of a sudden, I notice a huge mass.. almost like a platoon of runners coming towards us. Unbelievable. We looked like a army platoon. I had to turn at Fort Road, can't cheat. On my way back.... I spotted Joggers!! I waved out to him. Damn!! I'm having so much fun already. What surprised me was... I saw an old friend, Hanseng. We waved and smiled at each other say, hello! Oh.. saw TLR near the start point, he left the group with maybe Do or Dreamrunner to lead the way/pace. So, TLR joined Eunice, Renohtaram and I to chase the main group. Haaha.. no chase, anyway. Just running at our own pace. bselby0 turned back, saying that he needs to leave. Around the Bedok jetty area, I bumped into an ex-colleague, Francis. What coincidence. Hey! We saw Judith and aliciab when Eunice decided to turn into Bedok Jetty before heading back. The sky looked like... .. its going to rain. It did drizzle, and the weather was cooling for a good long run. Slowly, I started to see smaller groups like Bee with YankeeII and Osama with Slacker. YankeeII was pacing Bee, I guess. Finally, I saw the last group consisting Brokenrunner, Dreamrunner, skyvers1810, Cheow12 and Cyberkinetic. I joined them, heading back. Hence, I think my mileage clocked should be around 16km on the conservative side of calculation.
I did my warm down while kidding with the guys about yojanjan being the Chi running master and Carine doing her ninja training in MR.
Oh my... a big group we had today.. seats.. a little difficult to get seats in MacDonalds. We had to take our breakfast in batches. More photo takings before we all went home. In overall, it was fun meeting such a big group.
More new faces today and I'm lovin it!!
New faces (at least to me):
aliciab (with friend, Judith): Amazing woman!! Documenting the trails! Great work
Fatty: Finished running before we started!
Slacker, Osama: Three amigos with Bug
True_Atlantean: Ahh.. new face!
Clive: Ahh.. finally meeting him.
LaoKaYu: Ahhh... another that I want to meet for a long time.
mythos: Want to meet for longest time... want to read his report.
Runners fall in!!
kops21, cheow12, violet, mythos (mrs. mythos), TLR, Fd, Tiwazz, Brokenrunner, Eunice, Alvo2102, Meteor, YankeeII, Bee, DO, Dreamrunner, aliciab (with friend, Judith), bselby0, Sotong (mrs. Sotong), Gentle (mrs. Gentle & Gentle Jr.), Fatty, skyvers1810, Cyberkinetic & friends, True_Atlantean, LaoKaYu, Bug, Osama (relax .. just a nick he chose), Slacker, Joggers, Clive & mrs. Clive - Joanne, Kay, Taz, Dasher, Seow Woon (Kay, Taz and Dasher's friend) and Renotaram & friends.
Runners did not get to meet:
Wildcat and Tekko
Runners suppose to come, could not make it last minute:
Sanji182, Ironmandreamer, whr and flip
That was just the morning running session. Since, I am discussing Beng's wedding and going over to Beach Road, Tiwazz joined me. I hurried off after our discussion and dropped by Beach Road to check out some stuff. How about Running Labs? Oh yeah... since we had nothing on, we went over to the shop too. Drop dead tired (at least I am), we headed off home. I had a smashing great time! Did you?
Stadium I.T.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
7am to meet at SP stadium, it wasn't too early to meet at all. Basically, I was the first to arrive. Waiting for Cheow12 and Tiwazz to arrive, I performed some stretching. Arrrg... I know the sun will be shining...soon to be real hot. The guys arrive and we did a 2.4km warm up slow jog at drop dead slow speed(for warm up). Following that, Cheow12 did his 6 x 400m training for IPPT. Tiwazz had some ninja training.. *secret* .. while I did a MaxHR test. Hmm... result is the same as that showing on my HRM. Probably, the readings are for longer distance, I guess. I did another 4 rounds in the stadium track for warm-down. Stretches for warm-down? Definitely. We talked about each fellow forum guys, their stuff and all while waiting for Cheow12 to do a set of pull-ups.
During some chit chat.. and what a small world. Cheow12 actually knows my Secondary School classmate, Christopher. *Grrrowl* Okay. Getting hungry.. we went to Ghim Moh for breakfast. This place is quite a good spot for traditional, classic breakfast. Tiwazz saw me having "zhui kueh" .. guess he couldn't take it anymore and order some after finishing his first helping of breakfast. Cheow12 packed a packet for his wife too. Power of "zhui kueh"!!! Do not resist!
East Coast tomorrow. It'll be fun... hope we can have pics. *fingers, toes already crossed*
Sanji182 Is Okay!
Friday, October 07, 2005
I just got back from TTSH Sanji182's ward. DO, Tiwazz, Sotong, Balasing and kop21(last man) was there. kops21 really last man, he arrived last. Sanji182 was a little surprise seeing us there, he was napping. With a stroke it was tea time for him too. A nurse came by with Milo (why not iced?) and biscuits. We chatted with Sanji182 about his condition. He is nursing a dislocated shoulder and still under observation. If he is okay, he will be discharged tomorrow. Much of it is muscle aches from the bad fall. We brought him a little gift. Did a briefing on what is happening on the forum lately like "rearrange your face", etc. Who are some of the new members, etc.
We teased Tiwazz about the tailgating.. Sotong from being tall (don't hit the fan in the ward), Balasing (for his ever so many new nicks), DO for his always in running caps attire and kops21 (always the last man). Ermm.. we stayed past the visiting hours. Whoa.. Tiwazz is a nice guy (any single ladies out here?). He helped another patient who spilled milo on his bed. You can consider him. Back to Sanji182... we left him to rest... but before that, Sotong whipped out his... digicam from his pocket!! OMG.. this fella is solid!! We took a couple of pics.. Will be posting soon.. Meanwhile, Sanji182 ... speedy recovery okay?!!
Get Well, Sanji182!
Damn!! Just got the news that our most improved rookie, Sanji182 has been knocked down by a car while he was cycling (training for the triathlon). Damn..... drivers. Fortunately, he seems to be okay. Probably in a state of shock and sent to the hospital. I hope this boy gets well soon!! Good for him that he has his helmet on. It is the most important thing.
Sanji182 boy!!! We're waiting for you to go to Ironman with us!!! Get well soon.
Happy - Tired, Which Is Which?
Thursday, October 06, 2005
I was totally tired from a series of events. Too tired to blog it out last night... Okay, let me recall. I was at training yesterday, after days of loading from work. Hey!! I saw ickleOriental!! Surprise. I wanted to call out to her. But, ooops... her business associate was waiting for her at the lobby. Such a small world. I'm at the tallest storey in that building and .. I bump into her. So, I continued with my training.
When it was over, I found I still have some time before Philip knocks off from work. I decided to drop by. I waved frantically when I was just outside the shop. Honestly, I never notice that the shop was there and it was just beside Spinelli. I order a cake with tea and chatted with him till his shift was over. Practically, there wasn't anyone else there. We had a great time talking about running stuff. We walked over to another spot where I had to pass the Tshirts to am_klutz's boyfriend. We had a brief chat on Triathlon and runs. I mentioned that we are going to have a run on this coming Sunday too. But, I think they would be having church. Kinda difficult.
Okay, next stop.... dinner with ZhuiTeLun and JapBoy, followed by American pool. Let me tell you... we had more laughs than anything. ZhuiTeLun just started playing (learning) and he gives us all the surprises.. doing the impossible stunts!! We were laughing at his shots.. all plain lucky and no skills involved. I sure do hope to play again soon... always good for laughs. I reached home.. too tired for a run.. heh hehe... moreover.. a friend told me.. "Wow.. almost midnight.. still going to run? Don't..". Okay .. I'm just going to take a break.
Today, settling some stuff at work, I was finally able to leave my work place. I met up with Beng and Kitty for dinner and cuppa. Lambie could not join us.. since she is down with flu. Lamb flu? You tell me. While having drinks.. we were into the topic of which song to use for Beng's wedding march-in. We short-listed a few .. .. pending for review by Beng's partner. An idea struck me.. we went over to HMV to take a look and listed down a few more songs.. here I am... a day's worth of work. I have yet to finish up the montage for Beng. But, it should be out by this Saturday or Sunday.
Yeah, Lambie!! We miss you, you silly lamb!!
2 New Toys
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
A little busy.. so.. .slow on updates. First, Karloong is back, on Sunday!! She brought back an Oakley for me. So, $$ on that...
Second toy ... today, a Polar RS200... more $$... flowing out. But, I brought my new toy out.. for a test.. Hmm.. I know I can do fast than the readings... somehow it was showing that I was already on Zone 5. .. so, I slowed down into Zone 4. Misconfiguration? No idea. But, the heart rate is correct. Hmm.
More on pictures for Oakley glasses and RS200 soon?
Saturday, October 01, 2005
A couple of guys doing the 168km run around the island today! I hope everything is fine for them! I can't be there but you guys have my support!! Running just a few km or the entire 168km.... you guys are the greatest.
TLR, DO, Cheow12, Sotong, Vorx, Commando, Carine, Yojanjan, Tiwazz, BrokenRunner, Meteor, Alvo2102, YankeeII, Taz, DreamRunner, Kops21, Mythos, IronmanDreamer, Philip, Gentle and .... who else?